2024 New England Run/Walk


Team Chris Meehan

We're fundraising for the Brain Aneurysm Foundation! 

This is a page to celebrate and honor Chris Meehan. He was a caring, genuine person, son, grandson, brother, uncle, nephew, cousin, friend, boyfriend, co-worker. He faced some incredible challenges as a very young child that he overcame with the love and nurturing support of his amazing parents and family. His family, friends, co-workers – we could go on for hours and hours (and we do!) with stories of Chris adventures and how he just brought joy to each of our lives. It seems so unfair that brain aneurysm stole him from us, at such a young age. No one should have to go through what Chris went through.

Team Chris Meehan walks in honor of Chris. We fundraise because more research continues to be needed to improve preventative screening, diagnosis and treatment; as well, to this day, understanding of how the brain is impacted after a rupture, and recovery and rehabilitation post rupture are sorely lacking.

Brain Aneurysm impacts 1 in 50. If a brain aneurysm ruptures, 50% of cases results in death. For those that survive, 66% result in permanent neurological deficit.  

Brain Aneurysm Foundation (BAF) distributes approximately half a million towards research annually, and at least that amount towards education, support, and awareness. Please know that your contributions support this, and this work is only possible with your support.


I've posted a bunch of old pictures that I scanned from Chris' many many photo albums. https://www.flickr.com/photos/chrismeehan/

Thank you for your support!!!
Team Chris Meehan

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